WHAT IS thigh lift (overview)
A thigh lift is a surgical procedure performed to improve the appearance and contour of the upper inner thigh by removing fat and skin from the upper inner thigh part of the thigh.
The thigh lift procedure is ideal for a patient with excess skin or, skin and fat, in the medial thigh area. This is common in patients with significant weight loss, or, in patients that have inherited a predisposition to accumulate excess fat in the medial upper thigh area.
It is also important that the patient be healthy overall, with no major medical conditions that may be affected by surgery.
It is most commonly seen in massive weight loss patients where the fat has disappeared from their weight loss, but the excess skin and tissue sagging has remained after surgery.
Dr. Giuffre advises that the patient comes into the arm lipectomy surgery at a weight that is a “no brainer weight”: a weight that is stable that the patient has maintained for months or years based on their current life style,
Brief summary of what is discussed and process of a consultation for thigh lift with Dr. Giuffre
Dr. Giuffre will determine which procedure is best for you after a physical exam and a discussion of your goals for surgery.
The thigh lift procedure generally lasts one to two hours and is performed under a General Anaesthetic. Dr. Giuffre will perform the surgery in a private surgical suite adjacent to his Meadowlark Health Centre Office (#176) for his cosmetic procedures.
During the thigh lift procedure, Dr. Giuffre will make an incision by the outer hip bone, 1-2mm above the groin crease. The incision follows the crease, through the inside upper thigh to the buttock crease. Next, he will remove excess fat using liposuction, and then trim and tighten the excess skin and suture it into place.
Once fat is removed and skin is tightened, the incision will be closed with sutures that will be absorbed by the body within a week or two. The additional use of surgical staples to reinforce the incisions is often used. These are removed within 5-6 days after surgery. The incision scar will mature (the scar colour goes from red, to pink, to white, and the scar softens and becomes pliable) which can take 1-2 years.
Before waking from the surgery, Dr. Giuffre will inject a long acting local anesthetic into the thigh area to decrease any immediate thigh discomfort from the surgery. When the freezing wears off, the patient will require postoperative analgesic medication (pain killers) for up to a week. The discomfort typically subsides after the first two to three days following the surgery. Patients taking prescription pain killers should not drive a car, operate machinery, or sign significant documents while taking this medication.
In the days following a thigh lift, it is important to keep your legs elevated as this helps to minimize swelling and speed the recovery. The recommended recovery time is two weeks. You should limit strenuous activity for at least six weeks. Dr. Giuffre will give you specific instructions for your individual recovery.
You will have to arrange a ride and aftercare with a responsible adult. You are not permitted to leave unaccompanied or in a taxi. If your driving distance from Edmonton exceeds 90 minutes, you should make arrangements to stay overnight in Edmonton. The surgical centre does not have an overnight care facility. You will then be seen the following day for dressing removal and assessment by Dr. Giuffre and his staff.
Dr. Giuffre provides his home phone number to his cosmetic patients in case there is a patient concern. In the rare instance that a patient requires hospitalization, Dr. Giuffre has admitting privileges to all of the major hospitals in Edmonton.
You will be seen the day following surgery by Dr.Giuffre and/or his nursing staff. Follow ups include a 1 week visit, often a 2 week visit, and a 6 week visit.
After the 6 week visit, if there are any future requests for an appointment, they are made directly with Dr. Giuffre office and an expedited visit is arranged. if there are any future requests for an appointment, they are made directly with Dr. Giuffre's office and an expedited visit is arranged.
Thigh lift RESULTS
Summary of generalized results a patient can expect. Would be good to circle this back to the customization of the treatment and expected results that Dr. G would discuss in a consult.
Thigh Lift risks
With any surgery there are surgical and anesthetic risks.
Aside from the rare risks of an anesthetic event, some of the general and specific surgical risks for this procedure would include:
Swelling and bruising
Sensation change to the upper inner arm and axilla for up to 3-6months
Numbness to the hand in the first week
Time off work and exercise
Bleeding (hematoma)
Seroma (fluid collection in the operative site)
Tissue loss in patients that smoke
Contour asymmetry
This list is not complete.
During the consultation with the patient, Dr. Giuffre will outline and explain each of the risks in detail
Can this procedure be used for massive weight loss patients?
A large amount of weight loss can produce excess skin in all areas of the body that have lost a considerable volume of tissue.
This includes the inner thighs. It also occurs in the arms, breast, abdomen, hips, flanks, buttocks, and legs.
Is Medial (inner) Thigh Lipectomy surgery covered by AHS (Alberta Health Care) if I get a referral from by GP?
The thigh lipectomy, or any liposuction procedures, are considered a cosmetic procedure by AHS and are, therefore, not covered even with a referral from the Family Physician.
I am a massive weight loss patient. Can I have a Medial (inner) Lipectomy and is it covered by AHS (Alberta Health Care)?
The thigh lipectomy, or any liposuction procedures, are considered a cosmetic procedure by AHS and are, therefore, not covered even with a referral from the Family Physician.
Surgery should be deferred until the weight loss has stabilized.